Actually.. Change is only constant they say... So, I thought I had moved on.. and this blog was a past thing. And here I am again, back to it again after 4 long years. In todays world, 4 years is a long long period.
It takes hardly a moment to change view of world .. and we are surrounded by so much information today, all the expert opinions, media and all sort of advices thanks to technology and internet that it is very easy to be influenced by constant bombardment of views.
So, today when I look back to 2009, when I started this blog .. my motive and thihing, thinking was very simple. To write about what I think .. about anything.. right from slippers fashion to spiritual enigma.. Anything , any thought I feel like writing. But being a naive simple girl with few experiences in life, I thought Life was beautiful. Life is a miracle. Hence , the name of the blog.
But five years later, I am still naive. But simple? I dont know. I have had my share of different experiences. Many good and not so good things have happened in this timeframe. It may seem ridiculous , but I think my thinking has grown(compared to 5 years back), I am a bit matured in my thoughts (this is what my perception is atleast ) than I used to be 5 years ago. I have changed opinions on many things.
But stilll I was amazed that, My basic thinking.. about Life hasnt still changed. I read a lot. Different authors, articles etc. They have such detailed study of life and its various aspects , the authors, their words, their thoughts, actions are so so powerful. They surely influence the thought process, increase breadth of views of looking at life, experiencing life from different perspectives.. But at the base.. the thought .. the root still remains the same.
Life is a miracle.. I still believe its miracle.. And I am thankful to God, that he has considered me worthy of
such a worthy gift. I wish you all do too..
And to continue this faith and belief, I am starting back again. Whatever I feel is worth sharing -may be article by that author or may be my cents on those thoughts or maybe just a random topic I feel like worth sharing, i will surely do..
And hope , it will help in adding 0.00001% into positivity.. towards a "MIRCALE CALLED LIFE !!"
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